Our staff are very happy to speak to you in person about any issue you may be facing in accessing or analysing our data.
To make an appointment, simply submit a support request in the usual way. Keep in mind the following:
- If you are unsure whether you need an appointment, describe your query and the person to whom your ticket support request is allocated will either help you resolve it by email or suggest a meeting.
- If you believe your query will be better served by a meeting, state this clearly in your support request.
- If you would like to meet a specific person (perhaps because you have dealt with him/her before), please indicate this by putting the person's name in square brackets at the end of the subject line of your support request.
DataFirst staff members dealing with data queries (Takwanisa and Alex) are based in our Research Data Centre on Middle Campus (3.48, Level 3, School of Economics Building).